Archive for January, 2012

The Battle Of “Whatever the *%^%* I Want”

I’ve been thinking a lot about a few young kiddos I’ve encountered in the past week. And this seems to be their attitude. It just makes me cringe, yet I also know how important mentoring our youth is. I know and understand that some kids just don’t have the supports they need to know the difference between rules, boundaries, and living a carefree yet wreck-less life.

There is a battle. And it’s between personal self, freedom, and the right to do whatever one wants, and denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following Jesus.

Luke 9:23

New International Version (NIV)

 23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Despite the truth, below is a perfect example of what this generation is being taught. And it’s what is being fought. I don’t have the answers. But I do know that I will continue to pray and BE an example as I mentor, lead, and live by example.

It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s not about us. It’s about Christ and following Him. Yet, this is what many of our youth see. They see the right to do whatever they want, when they want, how they want, and it doesn’t matter what anyone says about it.

In some instances, THIS is the only role model a kid has…

THIS is what they see…

THIS is portrayed as normal…

THERE IS no respect for adults, parents, rules, or limits. (Yes, those are his parents participating in case you’re wondering.)

Scary, huh?!

Just remember: Maybe your kids don’t see this. And maybe your kids are surrounded with positive role models. But for every one of yours there are probably countless others out there who are being raised in this me mentality without anyone to say, “This is just not right. This is not reality.” And somehow we can all make a difference.

Ideas? (Positive and constructive steps we can all take?)

Watch the video:

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This Little Light Of Mine…

I’m gonna let it shine!!!

Rosalie in the Box

Image by kschlot1 via Flickr

Something for us to ponder. It’s been running through my mind lately, and I thought I’d share it.

If we dare not put God in a box, why do we put ourselves one?

When we put God in a box, we run the risk of limiting who is he is and what He is capable of based upon our own limited minds and understanding. And when we put ourselves into a box so we don’t seem weird, abnormal, or different, we run the risk of doing the same thing by limiting how God can work through us for His glory.

If we walk in the Light, and the Glory of God is lived in our lives, then why do we box ourselves into a conformity that

limits the very essence of who He is? Why do we box in the essence of the uniqueness of who we are in His image?

We walk this earth and carry the light of our Lord inside us. And it cannot be easily seen from the interior or conformity of a box. You are the light of the world, so get out of the box and live as He calls you. Live a life out of the box doing what He tells you to do, reaching out to those He places around you. Use the gifts, talents, and resources he’s given you. And let your light shine!

GET OUT OF THE BOX and do not conform to the patterns of this world.

Live your life. Be weird. And crush the cardboard that binds you!



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Everything But A Piece of Peace

As I listened to Mozart in my office this morning, I became acutely aware of a thought process taking place in my head:

English: Sunset from Paras Beach Resort in Cam...

Image via Wikipedia

If we spend our entire lives in search of a “piece” of what it really means to live “the good life”, we lose the “peace” of simply living in a content state of gratefulness while acknowledging the very blessings found in what we already possess.

I think classical music makes us smarter. Or it simply gave me a changed state of perspective. In the world of life management, it is essential to stop trying to keep up with  the demands constantly placed upon us to have, do, be, absorb, and carry, and instead demand that we give ourselves time to gain a sense of peace. And to find it, all it requires is the ability to stop trying to get a piece and simply receive peace. So often, I see and coach people (including myself!) that are living life at the speed of technology. And our minds and bodies just aren’t cut out to do this. And when our systems start to get overloaded, we wonder what’s wrong with us. We are all seeking a piece of peace, yet we’re so busy trying to get a piece of everything available, we lose the peace of the puzzle we need to most.

It’s time to stop living for a piece of it all, and reclaim some real peace which is found is trying to obtain so much less. This is how we will have a piece of peace and truly have what we’ve been missing.

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What Would You Say To A Young You?

Believe it or not the following was my Facebook status. I am never short on words as most of you know. And I

English: Ernest Bower with Vietnamese children...

Image via Wikipedia

decided it probably should have been a blog post. So here it is, now on my blog. It’s still on Facebook. I just wanted to share it here, too:

After my first day being a Youthmentor, I want to say this to every adult out there. Think about what it was that you wished people would’ve said to you when you were young. And think about why. What difference would it have made if someone told you that you were pretty, too? Or that you had what it took to achieve what you thought you couldn’t? Or to encourage you?

What would you have wanted people to say to you? Do you know? Now, say it to your kids. Say it to your neighborhood kids. Say it to the kids you see in church. Say it to your grandchildren and nieces and nephews. It’s so simple. And they need to hear it as much as you did. As much as you still do. 🙂 You matter. And I know that because God has given you life. Let’s make life count and use it to inspire and encourage those right around us. It’s an easy mission field, and you’re already on it.

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To Do: Laundry, Meeting, Work, Dance With God

A man and a woman performing a modern dance.

Image via Wikipedia

I started to update my Facebook status with a few thoughts as I studied various passages in my Bible, and I guess I got

a little carried away! I think it’s more or less turned into a blog post, so here it is. As I thought about getting in the word, carving out time for God, and wrestling with all of life’s constant demands and necessities, I had two thoughts as I read scripture:

Include God in all we do by focusing our heart and minds on Him, and instead of merely waiting to have a clear calendar to do it now!

If you’re like me, a clear calendar is not in your future. And to be honest, I really don’t want a clear calendar! I love what I have been given to do, and I want to do it well and faithfully. Yet, I wrestle sometimes with the thought of having the TIME available with all the multi-tasking that sometimes takes place in my life.

Regardless of whether I am running errands or taking my kiddo to the doctor, I can be embraced in worship internally, doing those tasks as if for the Lord, and be locked intimately in His arms, cherishing the time I am lost in Him, dancing as I carry on. Sounds so intimate, doesn’t it? It is! It is a very intimate relationship to know and let my soul dance with the Lord! I don’t want my life any other way! Exist so I can simply accomplish tasks on my to do list? No, thanks. I’ll dance through this life embraced in intimate worship of the Lord, my God. 🙂

On those days when things just don’t stop, and I wrestle with the demands placed upon me, I find rest knowing that I can still focus on God and spend time with Him despite it all.

Two verses that inspired these thoughts:

Ephesians 6:7-8
7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

Colossians 3:1-2
1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Next time you’re so focused on the “things you have to run around and do or get done today” and you don’t know when you’ll have time to be alone with God, try giving thanks to Him for having those things to tend to and experience the joy of Him in them. Praise Him in all you do right then and there, and do it as if you’re doing it or the Lord! As you go about accomplishing all those things, you’ll find your heart and mind centered on Him.Suddenly in the midst of all the chaos and madness of the moment, you’ll find yourself getting lost in the midst of the daily tasks.

We don’t have to let the demands of life steal our time to be in spirit with God. Don’t wrestle with it and end up frustrated over it. Prioritize and focus to make Him the center of our lives regardless of the circumstances we are dealing with or despite the tasks that have lined up for the day. On the days you can get away and be still with Him, DO IT. And on the days that despite your best efforts, you find yourself with not a moment to spare, turn your mind to Him and be with Him right where you are.

Focus on Him, carry on, and let your spirit meet His as you go…

to that meeting.

to that appointment.

to that task.

Let go of the demands. Seek Him. And dance…

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