Posts Tagged time management

The Gift of Gab! Episode #35 Have You Given Away Control Over Your Time & Energy?


Who controls your time and energy?

I hope you said, “Me! The same person who controls and sets my life priorities!”

But if not, you’re not alone.

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Christine Pechstein smiling because she's Kicking 'Buts'!In coaching, a common scenario is to coach people who have unknowingly allowed outsiders determine what goes on their personal calendar as a commitments or obligation while their own unique desires and needs fall by the wayside. When everyone else’s priorities are finished, they might or might not have the time or energy to enjoy their own.

Another is listening to people who feel they are taken advantage of, out of time and energy, but they still don’t take action to protect their treasured life priorities by creating and enforcing appropriate boundaries. They get caught up in being people pleasers, and live a life that pleases everyone but themselves. Soon, they feel stuck, depressed, unsatisfied, and frustrated.

Why? They are afraid of saying NO. And those who take advantage of it know it! They get manipulated into saying yes and using their time and energy to meet the demands of other people’s lives and their priorities having little to none left for themselves.

Over time, it creates issues in relationships and and careers. It can dampen dreams. It can literally spiral into a wasted life, wasted potential, and wasted talent. Going further, it can even waste away emotional, mental, and physical health and lead people to burnout. Thankfully, there is hope! And help!

Life Management is your key to reversing these effects and negative outcomes and putting you on the track to reclaiming the life you desire based upon your life priorities!

Shout it with me: WHOOHOOOOO!

So, I want to ask you….who have you given control of your time and energy to?

And are you willing to prioritize our life, create an action plan, and take it back?

Your 9 life areas depend on it!



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Gift of Gab! Simple Steps To Change Your Chaotic Life

On this weeks episode of The Gift of Gab, I talked about a statistic that 80% of Americans will identify with: Our lives are way too hectic! But that’s not the shocking statistic. Nope. The one that will shock you is that only about 10% of the 80% are willing to proactively DO anything about their chaotic and overwhelming life. (You can take action now!)

That is not just shocking. It’s crazy.

Expecting things to change by doing the same thing over and over again: That’s insanity.

And that has become the way we live life. We’ve accepted the Insane as the new normal. And we pay for it.

We pay for it in our relationships. In our careers. And usually the cost is those things PLUS our health. Chaos leads to stress. Insanity requires we get it fixed. And we usually head to the doctor who sends us to a pharmacist for a pill.


People. It’s not always just a pill you need. It’s a simplified life we ALL need.

1. Are you over committed?

2. Are you communicating effectively with your spouse and children? Are they with you? About their needs? Desires?

3. Are you making your life more difficult than you need to?

4. Have you cleaned out your life?

5. Do you have rules and boundaries for saying YES and NO to commitments and opportunities?

6. Are you constantly affected by your (or another persons) lack of planning and the urgent crises it causes?

7. Do you have baggage you’re carrying around? (Baggage is not just stuff. It can also be people. Have you cleaned out your life: both things and people from your past that no longer need to be there?)

These questions are the focus on today’s show. You’ll want to spend the 15 minutes to listen in!

The best way to eliminate the hectic chaos and insanity caused in 80% of households is to be one of the 10% who chooses to DO SOMETHING PROACTIVELY to simplify your life. Eliminate the stress. And improve your nine life areas. It’s not hard. But it does require setting aside some time now to eliminate the insanity that will undoubtedly arrive later.

Will you be ready? Can you thrive?

You can! Starting today. Listen. Learn. And Move Into Action.


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Caught Asleep On A Friday Afternoon

Things to Say When Caught Asleep On a Friday Afternoon

  • They told me at the blood bank this might happen.
  • I wasn’t sleeping, I was trying to pick up contact lens without hands.
  • I wasn’t sleeping, I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.
  • Amen
  • This is just a 15 minute power-nap like they raved about in the last time management course you sent me to.
  • I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work related stress.
  • Hey, that cold medicine I took last night just won’t wear off.
  • Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem.

Have a GREAT day everyone!!!

(From Will and Guy’s Clean Funny Jokes)

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The Spare Fifteen

A photo of a cup of coffee.

Image via Wikipedia

Some days it seems as if all we have is 15 minutes to spare. Fifteen minutes to get caught up on something. Fifteen minutes to run an errand. Fifteen minutes to call our friends. Fifteen minutes to scarf a meal. Fifteen minutes to read to our kids before bed. Fifteen minutes to pay bills…

Fifteen minutes to take a nap.

Sometimes when this is all we have and life is moving full speed ahead, we need to use it however we can to make a difference in our world. Many times when we think of things we want to do, we don’t ever get around to doing them, because we are waiting for a big block of time to appear so we can schedule them. And when the big block of time never appears, we find ourselves still waiting.

And waiting. And waiting. And…

So why wait? Start taking advantage of all the 15 and 20 minute blocks of time we have.

Drink a cup of coffee and read that book.

Get that neck massage.

Take that nap.

Swing your child on the swing.

Balance the check book.

Load the dishwasher.

Walk the dog.

Chat with an old friend.

Take a walk with your spouse.

When we find we have fifteen minutes to spare, we can use it to tackle many things on our to-do list. And we can eliminate waiting for the world to stop, because it won’t. Most of what we want or need to do can be done in a short amount of time. It’s just a matter of using what we’ve got instead of waiting and procrastinating.

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Your Staff Shouldn’t Play With FIRE

Thought for the day:

As today comes to an end, think about how much time you spend responding to crisis after crisis. Are you always running to a fire? Are you always trying to clean up a mess? Are you more often than not trying to do damage control and restore relationships and trust with your customers and clients? Do you find your time is eaten by responding  to the fire of the moment?

If your response is yes more than it is no, it may mean that you need to take a step back and make some changes to eliminate the fires that start in the first place.

1. Determine where and how they start. Trace the fire back to it’s origin.

2. Determine how policies and procedures can proactively eliminate the same fires from erupting over and over again.

3. GET EVERYONE ON BOARD with the newly implented policies and procedures.

Change is difficult and not everyone will like new ways of doing things. But, if they are on board with your organization for the right reasons, they will learn to adapt and carry them out.

Why? Because they are about the health of the organization.

And nothing is healthy when it continually gets burned.

Not our customers. Not our bottom lines.

For those who are not on board, it might be time to clean house.

Do you really want your pay your staff  to play with matches and become a fire hazard?

That’s risky.

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